Minutes - Board - 2014-12-08Q COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION DECEMBER 8, 2014 CALL TO ORDER The Board of Directors Of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in study session on December 8, 2014 at 9:30 A.M. at 628 W. 19" Street, Costa Mesa. ROLL CALL DIRECTORS PRESENT: James Ferryman, Michael Scheafer, Arthur Perry, Robert Ooten, Arlene Schafer DIRECTORS ABSENT: None STAFF PRESENT: Scott Carroll, General Manager; Robin Harriers, District Engineer; Wendy Davis, Finance Manager; Noelani Middenway, District Clerk; Denise Martinez, Interim Human Resources Manager; Javier Ochiqui, Management Assistant; Ed Roberts, Ordinance Enforcement Officer OTHERS PRESENT: Jim Mosher, Resident; Lawrence Jones, CR &R PUBLIC COMMENT President Ferryman invited members of the public to address the Board. Seeing none, President Ferryman closed public comments. ITEMS OF STUDY Recycling & Waste Diversion Reports — October and November 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. There were no questions or comments and the report was received. 2. Ordinance Enforcement Officer Report — October and November 2014 Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 2 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD DECEMBER 8, 2014 There were no questions or comments and the report was received. 3. OC Waste & Recycling Coordinator's Meeting - Update Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. There were no additional questions or comments and the report was received. 4. Organics Ad Hoc Committee Update — Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Scott Carroll, General Manager, discussed progress of the organics waste study program and grants received by Sally Geislar. Vice President Schaefer announced that the District will be meeting with videographer vendors to create a "how to" video for the organics recycling program. Assistant Secretary Ooten discussed the cart hanger contents and layout. There were no additional questions or comments and the report was received. 5. Street Sweeping — Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors provide direction to staff. General Manager Carroll provided background on the City's street sweeping contract services and noted that the contract will be going out to bid. Mr. Carroll requested direction from the Board as to whether or not the District should consider offering administration services for the street sweeping service. Discussion followed regarding the responsibilities that would be assumed with the administration services of the street sweeping contract. Secretary Perry suggested staff have a discussion with the City to discuss the matter further. There were no additional questions or comments. 6. Invoicing Assessments on Exempt Properties — Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive and file the report. Wendy Davis, Finance Manager, noted that the County of Orange Tax Assessor's office will no longer assess tax exempt properties and it is the responsibility of the agency to directly invoice such properties. Ms. Davis indicated that the District will invoice approximately $171,000 and gave examples of the types of properties that will be invoiced. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 3 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD DECEMBER 8, 2014 Jim mosner, reslaem, questlonea IT there are exempt non - governmental properties that will be assessed. Ms. Davis noted that there are, but those properties would be assessed through the County. There were no additional questions or comments and the report was received. Sewer Rehabilitation Preliminary Plan Grade 4 — Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors direct staff to bring back the proposed preliminary plan to the December 181h regular Board meeting for further direction. Robin Hamers, District Engineer, provided report details, noted that 255 Grade 5 repairs were made over a three year period. Grade 5 means imminent failure. There are over 1600 Grade 4 line segments that require attention. Grade 4 means failure likely in foreseeable future. Mr. Hamers noted that the entire sewer is being cleaned during the fiscal year, which should eliminate the Grade 4 maintenance issues. He further discussed options on how to address structural Grade 4 issues and indicated that he will report back with additional options and noted that his office handles all of the plans and specifications for the repair program. Assistant Secretary Ooten requested that Mr. Hamers bring back a recommendation on when to CCTV the sewer line. Mr. Hamers suggested a good timeframe to CCTV the line would be between 10 to 15 years. Mr. Hamers indicated that he is currently reviewing videos and preparing plans for phase one of the Grade 4 repairs. Discussion followed regarding the possibility of the drought conditions having an impact on the amount of inflow and infiltration, and possibly using grant monies and the water bond to fund the Grade 4 repairs. Mr. Hamers indicated that he will report back to the board with timeframes and additional options for consideration. There were no additional questions or comments and the report was received. 8. Coaching and Mentorino Program Recommendation: That the Board of Directors direct the General Manager to proceed implementing the proposed program. Denise Martinez, Interim Administrative Services Manager, provided details of a proposed coaching and mentoring program for District staff to receive on the job training and development opportunities. Ms. Martinez discussed the scope and purpose of both the coaching program and mentoring program, noting that the staff member's developmental goals will determine which method is to be used. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 4 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD DECEMBER 8, 2014 Discussion followed regarding how the program impacts staff's performance review, and whether or not the program was voluntary. Ms. Martinez confirmed that the program is voluntary. Vice President Scheafer noted that the program is important for succession planning. Assistant Secretary Ooten requested that the Board receive a periodic review of the program. The Board of Directors expressed support of the program and directed staff to proceed with the program. There were no additional questions or comments and the report was received 9. Consider Amending Section 3.01.090 Pertaining to Conferences Travel and Expenses Recommendation: That the Board of Directors provide direction to staff. Secretary Perry discussed attending out of county meetings that require Board approval prior to attending and suggested expanding the geographic region to be approved. Vice President Scheafer noted that once a Board member is appointed to a committee, he or she is not required to receive board approval to attend said committees meetings and events. General Manager Carroll noted that the current policy applies to conferences, training seminars or any political activities. Discussion followed regarding expanding the geographic region to the entire State of California. The Board of Directors directed the General Manager to place this item on the Board's regular meeting agenda for discussion. Vice President Scheafer requested that credit card authorizations be arranged with the hotels for the duration of the board members stay during conferences. Director Schafer requested agency photo identification cards for the Board and staff. Ms. Davis suggested that conference expenses are included during the budget process, by which adoption of the budget constitutes prior approval of attending the conference. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 5 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD DECEMBER 8, 2014 General Manager Carroll noted that he will place the Ordinance on the upcoming Board agenda for consideration and approval. Mr. Mosher expressed concern regarding the Board member compensation for attending different meetings and conferences, recommended not expanding the approved region to the entire state of California, and suggested that District Counsel read the rules in both the Government Code and Health and Safety Code. 10. Adopting Proclamation for Ed Fawcett, CEO /President of Costa Mesa Recommendation: That the Board of Directors adopt the Ed Fawcett. The Board of Directors expressed support of adopting a proclamation in honor of Ed Fawcett. Director Schafer made a motion to approve the proclamation as presented. Secretary Perry seconded the motion, which carried unanimously. 11. Composite Manhole Covers Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive on display composite manhole covers. General Manager Carroll showed the Board samples of the composite manhole covers. Discussion followed regarding the benefits of composite manhole covers, including the advancement of technology used to create the covers, its durability, and cost effectiveness. 12. Wireless Technology for Sewer Maintenance Division — Oral Report Recommendation: That the Board of Directors receive a demonstration from CMSD Maintenance Supervisor, Steve Cano, on how the maintenance division is using Microsoft Surface Pro 3 tablets as part of their operations. General Manager Carroll continued this item to a future meeting. 13. Ribbon Cuttina Ceremonv in the City of Corona for Comr the Board of Directors approve attending the ribbon cutting ceremony. General Manager Carroll noted that the event requires Board approval to attend as it is outside of Orange County. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT PAGE 6 MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS STUDY SESSION HELD DECEMBER 8, 2014 Director Schafer made a motion to approve attending the ribbon cutting ceremony. Secretary Perry seconded the motion. Mr. Mosher provided public comment and suggested including the distinction between a study session and a regular board meeting in the Operations Code. General Manager Carroll noted that the Board will only take actions on items that need immediate action and cannot be placed on the regular Board meeting agenda due to time constraints. Mr. Mosher suggested holding dual sessions such as a study session followed by a special meeting for business items needing approval. Director Schafer requested to hold a special meeting to review the District's policies and procedures. The motion carried unanimously. 14. Future Study Session Items Recommendation: That the Board of Directors provide staff with direction on the type of items to be placed on future study sessions. Secretary Perry requested to discuss the status of the grade 4 repairs. Vice President Schaefer requested an update from Mike Carey, Orange Coast College, on the recycling center expansion. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Vice President Schaefer discussed sewer odor issues and complimented staff on the work performed during the force main break at President Pump Station. Director Schafer announced arrangements for the District's Christmas party ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the Board, President Ferryman adjourned the meeting at 10:55 A.M. Art Perry JEffies Ferryman Secretary Pr sident