Contract - Koff & Associates - 2015-02-05 AGREEMENT FOR CONSULTANT SERVICES CON-14-11 This Agreement ("AGREEMENT") is made and effective as of cce1(-Lo 1 2 Ols , between the Costa Mesa Sanitary District, a sanitary district ("DISTRICT"), and Koff & Associates, a corporation, ("CONSULTANT"). In consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions set forth herein, the parties agree as follows: 1. TERM This AGREEMENT shall commence on c &(t uoc■-(S , ?O l$'and shall remain and continue in effect until tasks described herein are completed, unless sooner terminated pursuant to the provisions of this AGREEMENT. 2. SERVICES CONSULTANT shall perform the Human Resources consulting services described below ("SERVICES") to DISTRICT for DISTRICT's Salary & Job Classification Study ("PROJECT"). The SERVICES to be provided are more particularly described in the Scope of Services attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and incorporated herein by reference. 3. PERFORMANCE CONSULTANT shall perform all SERVICES under this AGREEMENT in a skillful and competent manner, consistent with the standards generally recognized as being employed by consultants in the same discipline in the State of California and consistent with all applicable laws. CONSULTANT shall provide DISTRICT its work product in "turnkey" form. DISTRICT reserves the right to perform reasonable testing of CONSULTANT's work product before accepting the same. CONSULTANT shall warrant that all services provided and equipment installed shall perform in a workmanlike manner and be fit for its particular purpose. 4. COMPENSATION Compensation for the SERVICES shall be based on the actual amount of time spent in adequately performing the SERVICES. The cost to DISTRICT for the SERVICES shall not exceed $20,720.00. A written change order is required for any services that exceed this amount. The written change order requirement cannot be waived. Failure to submit a written change order and receive written approval by the DISTRICT prior to performing extra work shall constitute a waiver of a claim for additional time or compensation. 1 PSA 30U 12 10 Invoices shall be submitted to DISTRICT monthly as performance of the SERVICES progresses. DISTRICT shall review and pay the approved charges on such invoices in a timely manner. SERVICES on the PROJECT shall begin immediately and be completed by April 30, 2015. unless extended by DISTRICT in writing. 5. PREVAILING WAGES CONSULTANT understands that this job, if over One Thousand Dollars ($1,000.00) in value and not exempt, requires compliance with the prevailing wage law. (Labor Code §§ 1720 et seq.) As such, DISTRICT will ascertain the prevailing wages to be paid on this job from the Director of Industrial. Relations. Said amounts are listed at http://www.dir.ca.gov/dlsr/pwd/index.htm. CONSULTANT agrees to pay prevailing wages and maintain prevailing wage records regarding those payments. ' CONSULTANT is also required to comply with the apprentice requirements. CONSULTANT shall defend, indemnify, and hold the DISTRICT, its elected officials, officers, employees, and agents free and harmless from any claim or liability arising out of any failure or alleged failure to comply with the Prevailing Wage Laws. CONSULTANT recognizes that state law makes eight (8) hours a day's work, and any worker working in excess of that time must be paid overtime. (Labor Code § 1813.) 6. INSURANCE CONSULTANT shall, at its expense, procure and maintain for the duration of this AGREEMENT insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT by the CONSULTANT, its agents, representatives, employees, or subcontractors. CONSULTANT shall also require all of its subcontractors to procure and maintain the same insurance for the duration of this AGREEMENT. If CONSULTANT is an employer or otherwise hires one (1) or more employees during the term of this PROJECT, CONSULTANT shall procure and maintain workers' compensation coverage for such employees which meets all requirements of state law (Labor Code § 1861). At a minimum, CONSULTANT is required to submit proof of insurance in accordance with the following standards: Minimum Scope of Insurance: Coverage shall be at least as broad as the latest version of the following: (1) General Liability: Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability coverage (occurrence form CG 0001): (2) Automobile Liability: Insurance Services Office Business Auto Coverage form number CA 0001, code 1 (any auto); and (3) Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability: Workers' Compensation insurance as required by the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance. 2 PSA 30U 12 10 Minimum Limits of Insurance: CONSULTANT shall maintain limits of no less than: (A)General Liability. One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this AGREEMENT/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. (B)Automobile Liability. One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per accident for bodily injury and property damage. (C)Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability. Workers' Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California. Employer's Liability limits of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) per accident for bodily injury or disease. Insurance Endorsements: The insurance policies shall contain the following provisions, and a separate endorsement stating to add the following provisions to the insurance policies shall be submitted and approved by DISTRICT: (A)General Liability. The general liability policy shall be endorsed to state that: (1) DISTRICT, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be covered as additional insureds with respect to the work or operations performed by or on behalf of the CONSULTANT, including materials, parts, or equipment furnished in connection with such work; and (2) the insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects DISTRICT, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers, or if excess, shall stand in an unbroken chain of coverage excess of the CONSULTANT's scheduled underlying coverage. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by DISTRICT, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers shall be excess of the CONSULTANT's insurance and shall not be called upon to contribute with it in any way. (B)Workers' Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage. The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against DISTRICT, its directors, officials, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers for losses paid under the terms of the insurance policy which arise from work performed by the CONSULTANT. (C)AII Coverage. Each insurance policy required by this AGREEMENT shall be endorsed to state that: (A) coverage shall not be suspended, voided, reduced, or canceled except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to DISTRICT, and (B) any failure to comply with reporting or other provisions of the policies, including breaches or warranties, shall not affect coverage provided to DISTRICT, its directors, official, officers, employees, agents, and volunteers. 3 PSA 30U 12 10 Acceptability of Insurers: Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-:VIII, licensed to do business in California, and satisfactory to DISTRICT. All insurance documents must be submitted and approved by the District's Risk Manager prior to execution of any AGREEMENT with DISTRICT. 7. INDEMNIFICATION (a) Indemnification for Professional Liability. When the law establishes a professional standard of care for CONSULTANT's services, to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall indemnify, protect, defend, and hold harmless DISTRICT and any and all of its officials, employees, and agents from and against any and all losses, liabilities, damages, costs, and expenses, including attorney's fees and costs to the extent the same arise out of, pertain to, or relate to the negligence, recklessness, or willful misconduct of CONSULTANT, its officers, agents, employees, or subconsultants (or any entity or individual that CONSULTANT shall bear the legal liability thereof) in the performance of professional services under this AGREEMENT. (b) Indemnification for Other than Professional Liability. Other than in the performance of professional services and to the fullest extent permitted by law, CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless DISTRICT and any and all of its employees, officials, and agents from and against any liability (including liability for claims, suits, actions, arbitration proceedings, administrative proceedings, regulatory proceedings, losses, expenses, or costs of any kind, whether actual, alleged, or threatened, including attorney's fees and costs, court costs, interest, defense costs, and expert witness fees) where the same arise out of, pertain to, relate to, are a consequence of, or are in any way attributable to, in whole or in part, the performance of this AGREEMENT by CONSULTANT or by any individual or entity for which CONSULTANT is legally liable, including, but not limited to, officers, agents, employees, or subconsultants of CONSULTANT. 8. SAFETY AND SITE CONDITION CONSULTANT shall perform all operations with due regard for safety and in strict compliance with all applicable laws relating thereto. It shall be CONSULTANT'S responsibility to keep the site in a clean, neat and orderly condition. It shall also be CONSULTANT'S duty to dust-palliate all working areas and access routes, if applicable. All operations shall be conducted by CONSULTANT so that no fire hazards are created. 9. TERMINATION DISTRICT may terminate this AGREEMENT at any time with or without cause. If DISTRICT terminates this AGREEMENT without cause before PROJECT completion, CONSULTANT shall be entitled to be paid for SERVICES adequately completed prior to the notification of termination. CONSULTANT may terminate this AGREEMENT for cause only. 4 PSA 30U 12 10 10. MISCELLANEOUS This AGREEMENT shall be interpreted according to the laws of the State of California and any action arising from this AGREEMENT shall be brought in the superior or federal district court with jurisdiction over DISTRICT. This AGREEMENT and the attachments hereto shall contain the entire agreement between the parties. This AGREEMENT cannot be modified except in a writing signed by both parties. In the event of inconsistency between this AGREEMENT and any attachment hereto, this AGREEMENT shall control in all respects. DISTRICT shall own all work product prepared in the course of providing the SERVICES under this AGREEMENT. In the event of termination of this AGREEMENT, CONSULTANT shall immediately turn all work product over to DISTRICT. If specialized software or computer hardware is required to view or transmit said work product, CONSULTANT shall make that software and hardware available to the DISTRICT at no cost during normal business hours. This AGREEMENT cannot be assigned without the prior written consent of the DISTRICT. CONSULTANT is and shall at all times remain as to DISTRICT an independent contractor. No employee benefits shall be available to CONSULTANT in connection with the performance of this AGREEMENT. Except for the fees paid to CONSULTANT as provided in this AGREEMENT, DISTRICT shall not pay salaries, wages, or other compensation to CONSULTANT for performing any services hereunder for DISTRICT. DISTRICT shall not be liable for compensation or indemnification to CONSULTANT for injury or sickness arising out of performing any services hereunder. All information gained by CONSULTANT in the performance of this AGREEMENT shall be considered confidential and shall not be released by CONSULTANT without DISTRICT's prior written authorization. CONSULTANT shall not, without written authorization from the General Manager or unless requested by the District Counsel, voluntarily provide declarations, letters of support, testimony at depositions, response to interrogatories, or other information concerning the work performed under this AGREEMENT. Response to a subpoena or court order shall not be considered "voluntary" provided CONSULTANT gives DISTRICT notice of such court order or subpoena. CONSULTANT warrants that the individual who has signed this AGREEMENT has the legal power, right, and authority to make this AGREEMENT and bind the CONSULTANT hereto. If you agree with the terms of this AGREEMENT, indicate by signing and dating two original agreements where indicated below and return both to the undersigned. Once the documents are fully executed, one original will be returned to you for your records. 5 PSA 30U 12 10 DISTRICT CONSULTANT Approved by: Reviewed and Accepted by: Ai■ _____- 0 VA FA U . 2__/_._. ._1_1_ General Manager Si•natur Ger S. mtkei vA-e ' Approved as to Form: Name V Harper& Burns LLP Title District Counsel oZ P2 kOrrt") Date Approved as to Content: ,..__ il. ..LIA, 6, Interim Administrative Services Manag ATTES ; ArZaii./04146: • 07/51A)6- 6 PSA 30U 12 10 4 . . .O. C ' a. aa) o "o o mc mvo v�. ♦.,� +.+ C • .e v in in Lt) o .1 e% H • QJ•cD. •— O - +: `+a I-1 �c 1 > i - - Y 1 C _ �1� N tf) ..+1 M H H t11 00 Ln 1 W Q ,„ N. - c0 ca Cl. m r x Y ots . "' ca, 3 ? �- .0 3 a, U 0 U 3 E ate-+ ("NJ Y L cn Y C 1 CU W• f� i .•0: O , }' O to o 's ro V) -� . ':',,,I c13 = N E .4—+ n = U V) U •1111-V,- '.'' r �a ,^�+ �a r W 1!II,, .... , :.'$,;,�,,,:<€� �r a , a. H., �L s- , ''asp,# '� t q.;;, " "* jai aik d:, r;';';eg• ® �o f & Associates 6 >o■ving II`'Hthn r4li�5�W��s. :Pu�1c 4f» 30'i r December 22, 2014 Ms. Denise Martinez Interim Administrative Services Manager Costa Mesa Sanitary District 628 W. 19th Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 Dear Ms. Martinez: Thank you for the opportunity to respond to your request for proposals for a Classification and Compensation Study for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. We are most interested in assisting the District with these important services. We feel that we are uniquely qualified to provide value to your organization based on our experience working with other sanitary districts and small local government agencies throughout California. Koff & Associates is an experienced Human Resources consulting firm that has been providing classification and compensation and other HR consulting services to special districts, cities, counties, courts, educational institutions, and other public agencies for over thirty years. The firm is a woman- owned California small business corporation and has achieved a reputation for working successfully with management, employees, and union representatives. We believe in a high level of dialogue and input from study stakeholders and our proposal speaks to that level of effort. Koff&Associates is a small firm that accepts only as much work as our own staff can handle. This ensures a high level of quality control, excellent communication between clients and our office, commitment to meeting timelines and budgets, and a consistent high-caliber work product. As Chief Executive Officer of the firm, I would assume the role of Project Director and be responsible for the successful completion of each project. I can be reached at the Emeryville address and phone number listed below. My email is gkrammer@koffassociates.com. Please call if you have any questions or wish additional information. We look forward to the opportunity to provide professional services to the District. Sincerely, Georg Krammer Chief Executive Officer 2835 7th Street, Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com EXHIBIT A Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District Table of Contents Section 1 - Firm Qualifications 1 Section 2 - References 2 Section 3 - Work Plan and Methodology 3 Section 4 - Cost Estimate 8 Section 5 - Insurance 9 Section 6 - Timeline 9 Signature Page Appendix : Georg Krammer Resume 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510 658 5633, Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com EXHIBIT A Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District SECTION 1: FIRM QUALIFICATIONS Koff&Associates is a majority woman-owned public sector human resources consulting firm that was founded in 1984 and has been assisting cities, counties, special districts, other public agencies, and non-profit organizations for over 30 years. Our headquarters are located in Berkeley, CA and we have satellite offices in San Diego and Brea,CA. We are a State-certified small business enterprise and a locally certified Very Small Business Enterprise in Alameda County. We are familiar with the various organizational structures, agency missions, operational and budgetary requirements, and staffing expectations. We have extensive experience working in both union and non-union environments (including serving as the management representative in meet & confer and negotiation meetings), working with Boards of Trustees, City Councils, Boards of Supervisors, Merit Boards, Joint Power Authorities, and Boards of Directors. The firm's areas of focus are compensation and classification studies (approximately 70% of our workload); organizational development/assessment studies; performance management and incentive compensation programs; development of strategic management tools; policy/procedure development and employee handbooks; executive search and staff recruitments; public agency consolidations and separations; Human Resources audits; and serving as off-site Human Resources Director for our smaller public agencies that need the expertise of an Human Resources Director but do not need a full-time, on-site professional. Without exception, all of our projects and studies have successfully met all of our intended commitments; communications were successful with employees, unions, supervisors, and management; and we were able to assist each agency in successfully implementing our recommendations. All studies were brought to completion within stipulated time limits and proposed budgets. K&A relies on our stellar reputation and on the recommendations and referrals of current clients to attract new clients. Our work speaks for itself and our primary goal is to provide professional and technical consulting assistance with integrity, honesty, and a commitment to excellence. The fact that we have not had any formal appeals in almost thirty years, working with hundreds of public agency clients and completing hundreds of classification and compensation studies, is something we are very proud of. ORGANIZATIONAL CHART Kathy Crotty, Georg Krammer,CEO —1 Gail Koff, Founder Sara Baxter Catherine Kaneko, President Administrative (Principals of K&A) Assistants H Eileen King, Marketing Rich Dukellis, Mike Harary Alyssa Thompson Anne Hayes, Kendra Reich, Jerry Frank Project Manager Project Manager Patty Howard Ricki Akiwenzie Senior Project Senior Associates Manaeers Associates 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssooates.com 1 EXHIBIT A • Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District K&A's entire team consists of fourteen (14) members, as shown in our organizational structure. No portion of this engagement will be assigned to subcontractors. Georg Krammer, M.B.A.,S.P.H.R. Chief Executive Officer Georg brings over seventeen (17) years of management-level human resources experience to Koff& Associates with an emphasis in organizational development; classification and compensation design; market salary studies; executive and staff recruitment; performance management; and employee relations, in the public sector, large corporations and small, minority-owned businesses. After obtaining a Master of Arts in English and Russian and teaching credentials at the University of Vienna, Austria, Georg came to the United States to further his education and experience and attained his Master of Business Administration from the University of San Francisco. After starting his HR career in Wells Fargo's college recruiting department, he moved on to HR management positions in the banking and high-tech consulting industries. With his experience as a well-rounded senior HR generalist, his education in business and teaching, and his vast experience with public sector HR programs and functions, Georg's contribution to K&A's variety of projects greatly complements our consulting team. Georg joined K&A in 2000 and has been the firm's Chief Executive Officer since 2005. Georg will be assigned as Project Director for this project and coordinate all of K&A's efforts. He will attend all meetings with the District and be responsible for all work products and deliverables. His resume is in the Appendix. SECTION 2: REFERENCES The following list includes project experience and client references from agencies that we conducted similar studies for within the last few years. Agency and Project Contact Information Orange County Sanitation District Contact: Mr. Richard Spencer Classification and total compensation studies for Human Resources Supervisor various employee groups in 2008, 2009, 2010, (714) 593-7164 2012, and currently ongoing. E-mail:rspencer@ocsd.com South Coast Water District Contact:Ms.Betty Burnett Comprehensive classification and total Assistant General Manager compensation study completed in 2009. (949)499-4555 Compensation update 2011 and 2013. Ongoing E-mail: Bburnett@scwd.org HR support since 2008. City of Bellflower Contact: Ms. Susan Crumly Total compensation study completed in 2007; Human Resources and Risk Manager compensation study completed in 2013. Currently Phone: (562) 804-1424 E-mail:scrumlv@bellflower.org 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.corn 2 EXHIBIT A , I FiClassification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District conducting City-wide classification and total compensation study. City of Claremont Contact: Mr.Jeremy Swan Total compensation study completed in 2014. Personnel Services Manager (909)399-5447 E-mail: iswan@ci.claremont.ca.us Cucamonga Valley Water District Contact: Ms. Roberta Perez Currently finishing up a compensation and staffing Human Resources Administrator study. (909)987-2591. Ext 7410 E-mail: robertap @cvwdwater.com Riverside County Transportation Commission Contact: Ms. Michele Cisneros Classification and total compensation study Accounting& Human Resources Manager completed in April 2013. (951) 787-7941 E-mail: mcisneroPrctc.org Antelope Valley Transportation Authority Contact:Ms.Julie Austin Classification and total compensation study General Manager completed in March 2014. (661)729-2206 E-mail: iaustinPavta.com Central Marin Sanitation Agency Contact: Mr.Jason Dow Have served as their off-site HR Director 1987. General Manager/Chief Engineer Have conducted many total comp studies, (415)459-1455 X 145 Human Resource Rules and Regulations, staff E-mail:jdow@cmsa.us and executive recruitments. South Tahoe Public Utility District Contact: Ms. Nancy Hussmann Total compensation study for the entire District Human Resources Director completed in 2007-08 and update completed in (530)544-6474 2012. E-mail: nhussmann@stpud.dst.ca.us SECTION 3: WORK PLAN AND METHODOLOGY Understanding of the Project The Costa Mesa Sanitary District desires human resources consulting assistance to conduct an objective job evaluation, classification review, and development of compensation systems for all positions and job classifications in order to make recommendations regarding the appropriateness, internal equity, and external competitiveness of the District's classification and compensation plans. The District currently employs fifteen (15) employees (2 part-time and 13 full-time) in approximately seventeen (17) job classifications. 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 3 EXHIBIT A 1 1 Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District The study will be broken up into two phases. The first phase is to initially develop an updated and well- structured classification system and classification descriptions for all study positions that are legally compliant (including Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements), internally aligned, reflective of contemporary standards, and accurately reflect current roles, responsibilities, duties, and qualifications. The classification analysis process includes orientation and briefing sessions with employees, management, Human Resources, and other stakeholders, as appropriate; the completion of a position description questionnaire by employees; interviews with at least a representative sample of employees in each study classification; and interviews with supervisors and management to address any classification issues. All participating employees will be allocated to an appropriate classification and draft classification descriptions will be developed and sent back to the District and incumbents for additional feedback and concurrence. A second level of effort will be to review the District's compensation structure for the studied classifications and to conduct a compensation market survey(salaries and benefits)using a set of appropriate comparator agencies. The identification of comparator agencies, benchmark classifications, and benefits to be collected is an iterative process that includes all stakeholders. We have found this open discussion philosophy to be critical to our success for organizational buy-in. Once the external data development is completed,we will make specific recommendations for internal equity for non-benchmarked positions and positions without a large enough market sampling. The compensation study will contain specific recommendations regarding the integration of all study classifications into the District's compensation structure, with the goal of developing a clearly designed, internally equitable format that is flexible for career opportunity and future growth. Our study will make recommendations regarding a salary structure that takes the District's compensation preferences into consideration and regarding the appropriate placement of each classification on the District's salary schedule. The study includes a significant number of meetings with the Interim Administrative Services Manager, management, human resources, employees, union representation, and the Board of Directors, as desired. We have expertise in labor/management relations and understand the importance of active participation by all stakeholders to ensure a successful outcome. The meetings and "stakeholder touch- points" that we recommend ensure understanding of the project parameters, enhance accurate intake and output of information, and improve a collaborative and interactive approach that will result in greater buy-in for study recommendations. This interactive approach, although time-consuming, has resulted in almost 100%implementation success of K&A's studies. Scope of Work and Deliverables PHASE I—CLASSIFICATION A. Initial Documentation Review/Meetings with Interim Administrative Services Manager 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652 5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 4 EXHIBIT A 1 1 Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District • Identify client project team, contract administrator, and reporting relationships. • Orientation and briefing sessions with the study project team and staff to explain methodology. • Gather all pertinent documentation, including class descriptions, organizational charts, personnel policies, memoranda of understanding, previous classification studies, etc. • Review and agree to the job analysis questionnaire, a class description format, and comparator agencies, benchmark classifications,and benefits to be surveyed. B. Orientation Meetings with Employees and Distribution of Position Description Questionnaire • Design and discuss PDQ with the project team in order to customize it to meet study objectives. • Facilitate orientation meetings for all study participants and managers and distribute the PDQ, begin educational process that continues throughout the study,discuss importance of employees' involvement,and elements that are not a part of the study will also be covered. C. Position Description Questionnaire Completion & Review • A representative sample of employees in each classification shall complete a PDQ; employees in the same classification can collaborate on completing one PDQ together. • Employees complete PDQ and their supervisor/manager will review,comment,and sign off on it. • K&A will review and analyze PDQs in detail along with other documentation. D. Employee/Supervisory/Management Interviews • Interviews will be scheduled with all employees who completed PDQs, either individually if in a single- incumbent class, as a group if a multi-incumbent class,or individually if requested by the employee. • Interviews will then be held with supervisory and management staff who will clarify their own responsibilities and/or confirm the information we have received in the interviews with their staff. • The purpose of the interviews is to clarify and supplement the PDQ data and to respond to potential perception differences regarding roles,tasks,scope, and supervisory responsibilities. E. Classification Concept/Preliminary Allocation Development • K&A's job evaluation will result in classification plan concept and employee allocation document that will be submitted to project team for review and approval. • Document will list broad class concepts and highlight where significant changes may be recommended, such as expanding or collapsing class series and/or separating or combining classifications assigned to different functional areas; number of classifications and classification levels, and career ladders; and updating established titling guidelines for the studied classifications for appropriate and consistent titling. • Incumbent-specific allocation list for each position will be prepared, specifying current and proposed classification title and impact of our recommendations(reclassification,title change,or no change). • Meet with the project team, HR, and management staff to review the proposed recommendations to the classifications being studied based on industry best practices and roles and responsibilities. F. Draft Class Description Development/Update • New and/or updated class descriptions will be developed for each proposed classification, updating duties, responsibilities, and minimum qualifications of each class specification, or develop new class specifications if duties, responsibilities,and minimum qualifications have changed significantly. • Review,analyze,and update knowledge,skills,abilities,education and experience, relevance and hierarchical consistency, position definitions, purpose, distinguishing characteristics, supervision received/exercised, position functions and special requirements, including licensing and certifications. • Determine exempt vs. non-exempt status in accordance with"white collar" exemptions under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)and ensure compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). G. Draft Class Description Review/Informal Appeal Process 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 5 EXHIBIT A Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District • Submit new classification descriptions to Project Team for review and discussion to ensure that no factual information is overlooked and that the recommendations are fair and consistent. • Next,submit a draft copy of the new class description to each manager,supervisor,and employee,to provide comments and concerns regarding any modifications. • Each employee receives a memorandum outlining what has been accomplished, how to best review the draft classification specification,and how to provide feedback to us;supervisors receive a copy of their employees' class descriptions to review employees'feedback and to verify the information provided. • Significant employee comments will be reviewed with management prior to making any significant changes to the proposed class plan. • Allocation and/or class description changes will be made as required and the class specifications will be finalized and submitted for approval. H. Finalize Classification Plan/Draft Interim Report/Final Report • Develop Draft Interim Report of the Job Description Revision Project for review and comment. • Report will contain: recommended classification plan; classification manual; documentation regarding study goals and objectives, classification methodology, approach, and process; all findings, analysis, and resulting recommendations; recommended allocation list, classification title changes, job family and career growth issues, reporting relationships,organization structure, and other factors. • Classification concepts and guidelines, as well as, distinguishing characteristics and other pertinent information for implementation and continued maintenance of the Plan will be detailed. • Once we have received the District's comments regarding the Draft Interim Report and have made any necessary changes, a Final Classification Report will be developed. PHASE II—COMPENSATION A. Determine Comparator Agencies, Benchmark Classifications,and Benefits to Be Collected • Review and analyze the District's current labor market and comparator agencies that have been used historically; recommend changes if appropriate; receive approval before salary survey. • Please note: The District is also interested in potentially including private sector employers in the survey. When it comes to private sector data,we work with purchased surveys that can supplement the public sector market data to represent the private sector. However, we recommend only using one purchased survey as one of the data points for the survey,to supplement the comparator agencies. The reason is that,in the public sector, we have the luxury to develop surveys that are custom tailored to each specific agency, due to compensation data being publicly available. This ensures a detailed analysis of each benchmark classification surveyed, while a purchased survey typically only provides very general descriptions and analyses of benchmarks. We have utilized the Economic Research Institute's compensation survey,as well as cost of labor and cost of living indices over the years. • Evaluate organizational type and structure,similarity of population served,agency demographics,agency staff and budgets,scope of services, and labor market. • Determine benchmark classes and benefit data to be collected. B. Data Collection • K&A to conduct all of the data collection and analysis to ensure validity of data and quality control;compare job description to job description;ensure matches of at least 70%. • Review District's existing job descriptions to ensure understanding of each position to be surveyed. 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.corn 6 EXHIBIT A 4 Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District • Collect job descriptions,organization charts, and other information from comparator agencies via website, in person, by telephone,or by an on-sight interview. • Make preliminary "matches" and then schedule appointments by telephone, and sometimes in person, with knowledgeable individuals to answer specific questions. • Ensure a very high validity rate and produce data that is substantiated before management, employee representation,as well as,governing bodies. B. Analysis and Preliminary Data Review • Enter data into spreadsheet format designed for ease of interpretation and use. • Present information in a format that will identify the comparator positions used for each class comparison. • Calculate info. based upon average and median figures, allowing the District to make informed comp decisions. • Collect and display benefit data in an easy-to-read format. • Submit three sets of spreadsheets per classification,one with base pay,one with the benefits detail, and one with total compensation statistical data. C. Draft Compensation Findings and Meeting with Project Team • Distribute draft findings to the District. • After the District's preliminary review, meet with the project team and various stakeholders to clarify data, receive requests for reanalysis of certain comparators;and answer questions and address concerns. • Provide an opportunity for the project team and other stakeholders to review and question any of our recommended benchmark comparator matches. • If questions arise,conduct follow-up analysis to reconfirm original analysis and/or make corrections. D. Internal Job Analysis • Determine internal equity for both market driven and non-benchmarked positions. • Develop internal position hierarchy based on the "whole position" classification methodology, including education, experience, problem solving/ingenuity, attention/ stress, independence of action/ responsibility, contacts with others,supervision exercised,consequence of action/decisions. • Make recommendations regarding vertical salary differentials across the organization. E. Review the Salary Structure/Meetings • Review and make recommendations regarding internal alignment and salary structure within which classifications are allocated, based upon the District's preferred compensation model. • Discuss draft recommendations with management team prior to developing Interim Report. F. Preparation of Draft Final and Final Report and Deliverables • Complete Draft Report and submit to the District for review, comment, and recommendations, including detailed compensation findings and recommendations; proposed salary structure, and implementation issues; methodology for continued implementation and maintenance of plan. • Once the District's questions/concerns are addressed and discussed,create Final Total Compensation Report. G. Presentation to the Project Team and/or Board of Directors • Our proposal includes one initial overview, one interim study session (to discuss the initial findings of the market salary study), and one final presentation. 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 7 EXHIBIT A l l 1<1 Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District SECTION 4: COST ESTIMATE PHASE I: Classification Study Task Hours A. Initial Document Review/Meetings with Study Project Team and Management 4 Staff B. Orientation Meetings with Employees and Distribution of PDQ 8 C. Position Description Questionnaire Completion & Review 8 D. Employee/Supervisor/Management Interviews 10 E. Classification Concept/Preliminary Allocation Development 4 F. Draft Class Description Development/Update 40 G. Draft Class Description Review/Informal Appeal Process 8 H. Finalize Classification Plan/Draft Interim Report/Final Report 8 Total Professional Hours 90 Combined professional and clerical composite rate:$108/Hour $9,720 PHASE II: Compensation Study Task Hours A. Identify Comparator Agencies, Benchmark Classifications, and Benefits to be 8 Collected B. Compensation Data Collection 35 C. Analysis and Preliminary Data Review 12 D. Draft Compensation Findings/Additional Analysis/Project Team Meeting 8 E. Internal Relationship Analysis/Internal Alignment 4 F. Compensation Structure Development 4 G. Development of Draft Final and Final Report and Deliverables 8 H. Formal Appeal Process * 0 I. Final Presentations 8 Additional anticipated meetings with stakeholders 3 Total Professional Hours 90 Combined professional and clerical composite rate:$108/Hour $9,720 Expenses: $1,000 Expenses include but are not limited to duplicating documents, binding reports, phone,fax, supplies, postage, air fare, hotels, parking, mileage, per diem, etc. TOTAL LUMP SUM FOR PROJECT NOT TO EXCEED: $20,720 *Additional consulting will be honored at composite rate($108) 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 8 EXHIBIT A "et Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District Description of Billing Practice and Payment Terms Our practice is to bill our clients on a monthly basis in arrears for work completed in the previous month. For lump sum projects,we will by completion of task of the appropriate percentage of any task that was completed. For time-and-materials efforts,will be bill for actual hours worked and expenses incurred. SECTION 5: INSURANCE Koff&Associate meets the District insurance requirements outlined in the RFP. Proof of Insurance is attached separately to this proposal. SECTION 6: TIMELINE Our professional experience is that comprehensive classification and compensation studies of this scope and for this size agency can take up to three (3) months to complete, allowing for adequate position description questionnaire completion, interview time, classification description development, compensation data collection and analysis, review steps by the District, the development of final reports, any appeals, and presentations, and development of policies and procedures and an employee manual. The following is a suggested timeline based on the RFP requested completion date of mid-March (this assumes a contract start date the first week in January 2015): PHASE I: Classification Study Task Week# A. Initial Document Review/Meetings with Study Project Team Week 1 B. Orientation Meetings with Employees and Distribution of PDQ Week 1 C. Position Description Questionnaire Completion and Review Week 3 D. Employee/Supervisor/Management Interviews Week 4 E. Classification Concept/Preliminary Allocation Development Week 5 F. Draft Class Description Development/Update Week 7 G. Draft Class Description Review/Informal Appeal Process Week 8 H. Finalize Classification Plan/Draft Interim Report/Final Report Week 9 PHASE II: Compensation Study Task Week# A. Identify Comparator Agencies, Benchmark Classes, and Benefits to Be Week 4 Collected B. Compensation Data Collection Week 10 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 9 EXHIBIT A 1 1 . . .. 'K .,. . 4,4L• Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District C. Analysis and Preliminary Data Review Week 11 D. Draft Compensation Findings/Additional Analysis/Study Project Team Week 12 Meeting E. Internal Relationship Analysis/Internal Alignment Week 13 F. Compensation Structure and Implementation Plan Development Week 13 G. Development of Draft Final and Final Report and Deliverables Week 14 H. Formal Appeal Process * As Needed I. Final Presentation As Scheduled Koff and Associates is ready and able to commence work immediately upon receipt of a notice-to-proceed. 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com 10 EXHIBIT A i 1(6,4t, Classification and Compensation Study Proposal Costa Mesa Sanitary District PROPOSAL SIGNATURE PAGE K&A intends to adhere to all of the provisions described in RFP. This proposal is valid for 90 days. Respectfully submitted, Proposer: KOFF &ASSOCIATES State of California Signed By: December 22, 2014 Georg Krammer Date Chief Executive Officer ■ Kc f-- at Associates SoMng the Human Resources Puzzle for 30 Years 2835 7th Street,Berkeley,California 94710,510.658.5633,Fax 510.652.5633,www.KoffAssociates.com EXHIBIT A APPENDIX Georg Krammer Resume EXHIBIT A Georg S. Krammer, M.B.A., SPHR SUMMARY Senior Human Resources Consultant with MBA skilled at juggling all HR aspects of small to medium sized companies and public agencies and aligning policies and programs with human and legal concerns. KEY ACHIEVEMENTS AND HIGHLIGHTS • Chief Executive Officer: At HR consulting firm, Koff& Associates, moved from junior role to Senior Project Manager position and, subsequently, became CEO and one of two principals of the firm; worked with close to 100 clients on projects with a 100%success and implementation rate. • Human Resources Director/Recruiter:At IT and e-commerce consultancy,Primitive Logic,was part of building the team from 20 employees to 50; implemented entirely new HR infrastructure. • Administrative Officer: As a member of Senior Management team of Mission National Bank, turned Bank around from years of losses to profits within six months, as well as substantially improved rating with regulatory authorities. Established smoothly running HR department. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE Koff&Associates, Emeryville, CA Associate and Senior Project Manager,2000-2005 Chief Executive Officer, 2005-Present • Koff& Associates is a human resources consulting firm specializing in organizational, compensation and classification studies; development of performance management systems and strategic management tools; policy/procedure development and employee handbooks; executive and staff recruitments; HR audits; employee/labor relations;and serving as off-site HR Director. 95%of clients are in the public sector and the remainder in the private sector. • Regularly create responses to Requests-for-Proposal from cities,counties,courts,and special districts, such as housing,school, healthcare, air quality,vector control,transportation,water and wastewater agencies. Represent the firm with clients, write and approve final project reports and hold presentations in front of Boards of Commissioners/Supervisors/Directors and City Council. Primitive Logic, Inc., Sausalito, CA Human Resources Director, 1998-2000 • Supported 50 employees, focusing on organizational development, program implementation, and coaching resulting in an efficient and healthy organization. • Pulled all HR functions under one umbrella, thereby allowing executive management to focus on company operations. • In charge of overall recruiting process and coordination resulting in the company's growth of over 100%within one year. • Planned, directed and carried out employment policies with the goal of reducing cost, safeguarding company culture,and keeping employee morale high. Handled all employee relations issues to ensure a productive work environment and to minimize company liability:grievances;counseling;workplace EXHIBIT A investigations; terminations. Created a structured termination process resulting in smoothly administered workforce reductions. • In charge of employee services: new-hire orientation; benefits; employee reviews; employee mentoring program;training; employee morale; record-keeping. • In charge of creation of all employment related contracts: offer letters, non-disclosure agreements, stock option agreements, independent consultant contracts; separation/release-of-claims agreements. • In charge of applications for immigration visas, including H-1B's and Labor Certifications. Mission National Bank, San Francisco, CA HR Manager/Administrative Officer, 1996-1998 • As Executive Officer and member of Senior Management team, acted in the following roles: HR Manager; Bank Security Officer; Bank Secrecy Act Officer; Administrative Officer; Supervisor of Merchant Credit Card Program; Supervisor of Research, ACH and check processing; back-up for MIS troubleshooting and other technical issues;supervised two people. • As head of HR department, overhauled HR infrastructure, including: training, payroll, compensation, benefits administration, employee grievance and conflict resolution. Maintained and implemented updated employment policies. Responsible for hiring, new-hire orientation, and terminations. Advised Senior Management and Board of Directors on HR issues,labor law updates,business conduct and ethics, as well as compensation structure to ensure legal compliance, adherence to overall business goals, reduction of cost, and employee retention. EDUCATION MBA-International Business, University of San Francisco, Beta Gamma Sigma Honorary Society. MA- English and Russian languages, literature and linguistics; University of Vienna,Austria. SPHR—Senior Professional Human Resource Certificate PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • California Public Employer Labor Relations Association • National Public Employer Labor Relations Association • Public Employer Labor Relations Association of California • International Public Management Association • Society of Human Resource Management • Northern California Human Resource Association • California Chamber of Commerce ADDITIONAL INFORMATION • Fluent in German, English, Russian; literate in Latin and French. • Teaching credentials for English and Russian in Austria. EXHIBIT A • '`;C R CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE 05/21/DD/YYYY) `�- 05/21/2014 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER,AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED,the policy(ies) must be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED,subject to the terms and conditions of the policy,certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER LIC #0877964 1-925-671-5110 CONTACT Eileen Hollander Argo Insurance Brokers PHONE FAX (A/C.No,Ext): 925-852-0445 (A/C,No): 925-852-0495 2300 Contra Costa Blvd AD AIL eileenh@argoinsurance.com 375 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 INSURER(S)AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURER A: SENTINEL INS CO LTD 11000 INSURED INSURERS: HARTFORD ACCIDENT & IND CO 22357 Koff & Associates, Inc. INSURERC: HOUSTON CAS CO 42374 6400 Hollis St., #5 INSURERD: Emeryville, CA 94608 INSURER E: INSURER F COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 39766981 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES.LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL SUBR IMMIDDY/YYYY) IMMLDDY�) LTR INSR WVD POLICY NUMBER LIMITS A GENERAL LIABILITY 57 SBA AZ7015 SC 10/01/13 10/01/14 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 2,000,000 X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY DAMAGE TO RENTED 1,000,000 PREMISES(Ea occurrence) $ CLAIMS-MADE X OCCUR MED EXP(Any one person) $ 10,000 PERSONAL&ADVINJURY $ 2,000,000 GENERAL AGGREGATE $4,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: PRODUCTS-COMP/OP AGG $4,000,000 PRO- POLICY J T LOC $ A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 57 UEC IZ7944 10/01/13 10/01/14 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT (Ea accident) 1,000,000 X ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY(Per person) $ ALL OWNED SCHEDULED BODILY INJURY Peraccident $ AUTOS AUTOS ( ) HIRED AUTOS NON-OWNED PROPERTY DAMAGE AUTOS (Per accident) A X UMBRELLALIAB X OCCUR 57 SBA AZ7015 10/01/131 10/01/14 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS-MADE AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 DED X RETENTION$10,000 $ B WORKERS COMPENSATION 57 WEC LY6165 10/01/12 10/01/14 X TORY LIMITS O R AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY Y I N ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE N/A E.L.EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N (Mandatory in NH) E.L.DISEASE-EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 If yes,describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L.DISEASE-POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 C Professional Liability H714103030 03/01/19 03/01/15 Each Claim 1,000,000 CLAIMS-MADE In the Aggregate 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (Attach ACORD 101,Additional Remarks Schedule,if more space is required) RE: Evidence of insurance coverage. Claims Made Date: 04/16/14 CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE Evidence of Insurance THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ©1988-2010 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25(2010/05) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD EXHIBIT A BrunyArgo 39766981