Reso 1961-128 AWARDING CONTRACT FOR THE INSTALLATION OF SANITARY SEWERS IN BRISTOL STREET, BAKER STREET, AND PAULARINO AVE. TO VAN DIEST BROTHERS, INC. MOLUTIOR 140. 128 A MMOU=011 OF A74 BOARD OF DIRECTMO 0"156 TM COSTA )WA. StaWARY DISTRICT,, CRAME CO CA3IMMUA2 AMARDIM TIM COMMAM FGP MIM CON* sm. =oa or A Sm= Lim ni WIMOL Sm= BAM2t STB=y Am tVaMINO AVMM To VAN DIMT Immmm., nv.zv AT TM-, F?,ICES wdw IV Im B.M. VMWM., 80'ale4 PmPosais vor tue oozztmotlou of the Brjg� j. ZtzLwt., Baker Stmt, am! raaloino somr, I'm vex recelvedp o cd &akA rea4 in the c=vll Chm-bers of the Costa Moa city Hall,, 695 iloat 19th ftreet., Cojat% Mp,-jk�,q Ct,31fomia., = the a,41 dV of Wwdhp 1961., 0,t the hour of 7:30 W02-00k P-M-P said t tod plaft being the tj4h- le '01ace set in the bL-Mto:rore public wotice 1!witirkV, Send rr P*=U 40or =ad vorlq aid VUDWM, tbe bid Of Ven Dlest BrOtho-Vz9 1mc in the am='t of p:•99 vas the l Mopo-Asible bid for zai4 mrk� ok the Coata Mosa Sanitary Diatrict that the Contract :ror tM construction of o Br:Wtol Street, B-,Iwr Street, and paalarizio =ier LLne be., =d the oam Is hereby avarded to VvA Diest Brothers, Inoz. In the amoubt of 00; and BE IT FURTMR RESOLVED that the PresiAent =4 Secretary of the yera Sanjt=y m ter-, hereby author. �za to execate said Coixtrwt on behalf of the District. PASSM AM ADOPM iaiz 2nd day Of Mrchv icsk. . /#/ - /YIP " P I/? �Zzl midelit o' , c 6ro the Coste, M, see. G=Itary District Oranse Cmmty, Colitomw A%VZI? g or U e xY OT tle Boar.d'e MtOZ or tho Cost-- M Sanitary District GrQme 11 I'milliqIIIIII 111'!' 11111 111�11111 1111111111,1 Of 'Wbo Cost,% PLepa Saata7 Msb4otj barebv, dertily VrAt the above and HOSOlat'llon No. 328 1w, ft4 ad MWIV4 AC -Dzd adopted ;L*IOWI=l mpeetln$ or tbe. Baud et Directors of tbi� Coota kuBa Sea; ury AtaWat bQJA va tbo 2vA &.14 0$ Num-O., 19UP 'by the roll. qaU vote I In 1 111 1 NOES.-i )Amotm ..'sone d 02, T , tho Ooota Mee a. SpOltary District Oraup co=tzro mLu, Tora'a 0