Reso 1960-120r� R. &SOLUTION; NO .120' . A 1, SOLUTION OF THE BOARD 0V DIRECTORS OF THE 008TA SA. S;+�NITe 2Y DISTRICT OF OPAk)Gk; COUNTY', CALIFOgj� IA* FIXING THE TAX RATE PER CENTUM LEVYING A .TAX UPON -ALL THE TAXABLE PROPERTY' WITHIN THE CdSTA MESA SANI.TAftY i7IkRICT OF ORE COz3 Y. CAITFORNI.A, WHICR IS :TAXABLE FOR ME OPERATIONAL RgNN I ]G EXPENSES OF. THE DIi TAICT, TO' PAY THt PRINCIPAL AND .. I: TEREST `ON BONDS ISSUED• BY-THE DISTRICT.` The.8oard af:. Ditectors..of the, Costa -M sa Ss�raittary Dfstriet of•E3ratige County, Calafoxni, dc�a iaraby resolve as fallQrs: SECTION .411. That .there is, heret y levied ; uponr ail'_ the taxable'. property ' within the Costa Mesa .Sanitary :t3 striet of f3range, County ,..California:, which is taxable therein for District .purposes, a tax for the purpose of raising the necessary money with which to carry on.the various functions and opirations of the Costa'Mesa Sanitary, District of Orange. County, California, for the current' fiscal year 1964- 1961;,..and that the rate ' to per eentum of the •tax. herein 1+evied for such purposes shall be' and is ha reby ;fixed as the sum of 340 on i ach, One hundred.' Doilars ($100.,06) of. ,value• for said general aperuting fund. SECTION-.2. That "there'. is hereby levied ;upon all'. ttie''taxable property ic Basic. Tax-Cod 'Cod Area the parpose u thin',the Costa sa: anitari y, Distr of, raising money -to pay; the principal• :rrit .interest on' ttae bond,eo inuebtectners of ..the Distr ct,..excluding the $760 -,000.40 bond 'issue dated Oefober, 1 , • 1956, ink a sum which will. meet the', pays ents, o&: 6aid bon4s. to ade :c urLi , the fiscal year 1960- 1961; that-the rate per centutm of the• tax_ herein levied. for_. said ,purpose of paying the principal and ,interest on said bonds slyalI tie. and is hereby fixed .as. . the sum of .14200 on each ;;ne Hundred Do.11ars..610 d.ii0). 0, value. St MOY• 3. Thaat'• there is hereby levied, upon all' the taxable property within. the Costa A2esa Sanitary Di rice ,Tax Cade Area .'B 'p: a tax, for the purpose of raaaiti&- Au iney': ,,b �aay.• the- principal and inte.resi: "on tlae nand; issue ah..tl�e. sum 'of. $76P,00.00 dated October 1 1956;'. that the --rate, per cetatum of ,the tax herein levied 'for ea d- purpose. of pa,yifig the . prancipai arad in ere.si:_ oq said bnnda • shaall'l be and' is ,herelay f ixed ,as the slim :of ; 52 Z,4 on each One 1bandred DbIlars ($ . •. value' 100-. 00) of Lit SECTTO4.4 That the areas of the -Costa Mesa Sanitary' Aistz ie.t of Oraftge