Minutes - Sewer System - 2009-09-16• Meeting Date Item Numbe 10/26/09 V.2. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Board members of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in Committee session on September 16, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Director Monahan called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Jim Ferryman, Gary Monahan, Bob Ooten DIRECTORS ABSENT: STAFF PRESENT: Thomas A. Fauth, Assistant Manager; Joan Revak,Board Secretary/Program Manager /Clerk of the District; Debbie Bjornson, Permit Processing Specialist; Karl Dulake, Maintenance Supervisor; Paul Guzman, Inspector; Joe Limon, Inspector. OTHERS PRESENT: MONTHLY SSO STATISTICS Mr. Fauth reported no spills occurred since July 11, 2009. Eleven pump stations were without communication the first weekend in September due to a Verizon cell tower being down. The move to a new TRC radio system is in progress. Mr. Fauth stated the transition will be complete by the end of December 2009 and should eliminate future problems in this area. SSMP UPDATE Mr. Fauth reported Sewer System Management Plans are required to be available for the State or Regional Water Board upon request. The CMSD Plan is waiting for review by Attorney Alan Burns, with presentation to the Board scheduled for October. Director Ooten questioned the depiction of 326 sewer miles as our total pipeline amount. Mr. Fauth clarified the final plan will be revised to reflect 220 miles of mainline sewers only, lateral lines will be excluded. Director Ferryman asked if the lines from OCSD were part A jam\ COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 m PAGE 2 of this figure. Mr. Fauth explained the six transferred areas amount to approximately two miles and are not included. Director Ooten suggested adding more SCADA information to illustrate the upgrade to our sewer system. Director Ooten expressed concern regarding the use of Staff opinion in the methods of future sewer repair, but said the report was well done and he enjoyed reading it. OCSD OFFER OF AREA 7 SEWERS UPDATE & MAP Mr. Fauth reported a meeting is scheduled on September 23, 2009 for Rob Hamers, Karl Dulake, OCSD Maintenance Engineer and OCSD Supervisor. Topics will include their CIP and an in -depth discussion over whether or not to get involved. Mr. Fauth recommended the Area 7 CCTV data be stored on a hard drive in an effort to keep costs down. Director Ooten requested having a specific plan for what information we are looking for. Mr. Fauth stated the District is interested in learning the history of the lines to use as a point of reference. Karl Dulake added the NASCO rating system on each line facilitates access to information quickly. Mr. Fauth noted Alan Burns, CMSD Attorney, is working with Don McIntyre on determining governance for this issue. Director Ferryman asked if OCSD has a lateral program for the Area 7 sewer lines. Mr. Dulake answered they only accept responsibility for main lines and homeowners take care of lateral lines. Mr. Hamers is preparing a proposal to review and evaluate the OCSD Dover Trunk. OCSD DOVER TRUNK - 1/1 TRACKING Mr. Fauth reported a meeting with OCSD scheduled for October 5 from 2:00 - 4:00 pm at a location TBD. Mr. Fauth stated part of the approach for addressing the 1 /1, included in Addendum 2 with National Plant, is to do the line cleaning and sealing of manhole covers simultaneously. Mr. Dulake advised he is working with Dennis Keene to organize a demonstration of the cork and silicone system at the OC Fair Grounds. Director Ferryman asked if there was an agreed upon price established per manhole. Mr. Fauth explained it is included in the $.35 per linear foot price. Paul Guzman stated two problems generated by plugging all manholes are a lack of air ventilation to the system and lack of odor control system to the houses. Mr. Fauth concurred with Mr. Guzman. Director Ooten disagreed and requested plugging every hole except for one. Director Ferryman questioned whether that would allow enough ventilation into the system. Mr. Guzman cautioned against plugging all holes and suggested capping specific holes based on the history of the area. Director Ooten was satisfied with using that method. 1 Mr. Fauth noted OCSD plans to install additional flow meters to re- measure Costa Mesa's contribution to the in -flow compared to measurements taken years ago. CMSD is continuing to search for sources of 1/1 into the CMSD sanitary sewer system. 17� 40 ti : COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT _� MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING a s.. _ yy %} SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 PAGE 3 CMSD LINE MAINTENANCE CLEANING - NPSI AGREEMENT - ADDENDUM 2 PREPARATION / RATES Mr. Fauth reported Addendum 1 was completed in June 2009. Addendum 2 consists of two proposals: (1) line cleaning 400,000 linear feet and (2) removing tuberculation from 300 linear feet of DIP on Bristol Street. CMSD will continue 7/06 -6/07 3 year cleaning schedule to be accomplished by June 2010. Director Ooten recommended approval of the $.35 per linear foot price. Mr. Fauth estimated the cost to clean 400,000 linear feet at $140,000. An estimated total of 40 days would be required to clean 400,000 linear feet at a rate of 10,000 -to- 12,000 linear feet per day. Mr. Fauth communicated with Dennis Keene regarding timing and method for the project. Mr. Keene proposed a 2 -month completion of high pressure jetting with chain flails. Mr. Dulake confirmed the process most likely would use a 4 ", 6 ", and 8" chain flail to remove tuberculation, followed by slip lining. Mr. Dulake added CMSD is on the forefront of this problem nationwide. Director Ooten amended the proposed motion to include price is not to exceed $15,000.00 and 24 hours to chain flail 300 linear feet of DIP tuberculation. Director Ferryman seconded. Mr. Fauth will monitor progress and keep the committee informed. CMSD MAP UPGRADES /GEOLOGICAL INFORMATION SYSTEM (GIS) i DISCUSSION Mr. Fauth reported $195K will be transferred from Sewer Reserves after the use of $150K contingency for this project. The total amount may increase by $20 -$30K if supplemental data is required from Costa Mesa or County Surveyor depending on transfer limitations. The scope of this system provides updates to EEC map systems, addresses, parcel numbers, exact locations of manholes, as well as access to all data from the field. Mr. Fauth stated the District has upgraded cell phones to include internet data access to retrieve this information. This Board approved this project in September and is subject to funding availability. ROOT INTRUSION REPAIR COORDINATION WITH COSTA MESA CITY SIDEWALK/ CURB /GUTTER REPAIRS Mr. Fauth reported he sent a memo, per Alan Burns's recommendation, straight to the Directors along with the MOU in an effort ,to reach Alan Roeder quickly. Peter Naghavi requested he be included in communications regarding the MOU. TRANSFER OF SEWER LINES FROM OCSD TO CMSD - REQUIRES $1.3 MILLION IN REPAIRS - UPDATE Mr. Fauth reported Rob Hamers identified a minor agreement change to the contract. The revised contract is waiting for OCSD Council approval. After approval, CMSD will sign off and complete the transfer of OCSD lines. r rxifi COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 PAGE 4 GOSLYN ENVIRONMENTAL SYSTEMS - FOG SEPARATION TECHNOLOGY Mr. Fauth reported the new Goslyn technology relies primarily on heat with no moving parts. An immiscible liquid separator keeps grease in a soluble form as opposed to extracting it. Mr. Fauth is not convinced of its reliability, but will continue to monitor it. OC WDR STEERING COMMITTEE "CALL FOR EDUCATION / PUBLIC OUTREACH MATERIALS" Mr. Fauth reported the OC WDR Steering Committee requested an electronic version or PDF file of all educational /outreach materials be sent to Mike Miazga for their website. The CMSD receptionist will be the point of contact for providing the documents. CORPORATE YARD PUMP STATION CLARIFIER CLEANING STATUS Mr. Fauth reported on Mr. Dulake's email to Director Monahan to pinpoint the minimum frequency the pump station clarifiers are cleaned. In a meeting with Mr. Dulake and Mr. Fauth, Richard Simons agreed to a monthly cleaning schedule. Director Monahan followed up with Peter Naghavi to make sure the issue was resolved. Director Ooten questioned how we reached this point with the city. Mr. Dulake explained due to other M jobs taking priority, the grate cleaning has been ignored. Director Ooten is concerned this lack of attention to city ordinances is putting the District at risk. Mr. Fauth stated this has been an ongoing problem necessitating improved communication and awareness. HCA INSPECTIONS Mr. Fauth reported on the handout for 2"d quarter inspections from Mr. Ramon Gallegos, Environmental Engineering & Contracting. The average duration per inspection is 10 -15 minutes long and costs approximately $20 totaling $1400. CMSD PROJECTS: PROJECT #129 - BRISTOL STREET SEWER - UPDATE Mr. Fauth reported the contract awarded to Paulus Engineering began 9/14/09. Mr. Guzman took video of the demo work around the Auto Mall and Golf Course. The crew will work nights beginning Sunday 9/20/09. Mr. Guzman stated this project is a unique collaborative effort between Cal Trans, Orange County, and Newport Beach. Both the County of Orange and the City of Newport Beach will have an inspector on site every night. Mr. Guzman noted a 1/3 decrease in production when working at night, but hopes to remain on schedule and complete the project by early December. Mr. Guzman will report progress at the next Board Meeting. • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT ��? A MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING !�► nil SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 u � PAGE 5 PROJECT #164 - MISCELLANEOUS SEWER WORK MANHOLE ADJUSTERS - ALL 23 MANHOLES COMPLETED 1. 20 NEW MANHOLE RINGS AND COVERS DELIVERED;33 IN INVENTORY; 10 MANHOLES TO RAISE Mr. Fauth reported the District will maintain current inventory and not purchase large quantities of manhole rings and covers due to a lack of storage space. When the new yard opens, quantities of 25 rings and covers will be purchased at a cost of $380 per set. Mr. Fauth stated funding for chain flailing will come from Project #164 or #183. PROJECT #168 - IRVINE PUMP STATION RELOCATION - UPDATE ON DAMAGE TO ADJOINING PROPERTY Mr. Fauth reported this project is currently in litigation. PROJECT #170 - MAJOR EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLANS FOR PUMPING STATIONS • Mr. Fauth reported this project is complete. A notebook detailing specific emergency information for each pump station has been placed in all District vehicles giving the crew immediate access to individual requirements. An integrated DVD is also included. PROJECT #171 - IRVINE PUMP STATION FORCE MAIN REHAB Mr. Fauth reported this work is in process. Preliminary designs are being done for the remainder of linear feet above the force main completed last year. Director Ooten asked when he would receive an engineer's estimate on the project. Mr. Fauth deferred to Mr. Rob Hamers who was unable to attend this meeting due to a court appearance. PROJECT #175 OCSD GRANT - TELEVISING CMSD SEWER LINES Project #175 was completed in March 2009. The 1/1 report is complete and will be submitted to OCSD prior to the October 1, 2009 due date. PROJECT #182 - ANALYSIS OF CCTV RESULTS Mr. Fauth reported there is a vast amount of data to review and it is intended for CMSD internal use only. •PROJECT #183 - SYSTEM WIDE SEWER REPAIR - NEW PROJECT ON BRISTOL STREET; 55 FREEWAY CIP CHAIN FLAIL CLEANING — $475/HR. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 PAGE 6 The topic was discussed in detail in Item the CMSD line maintenance cleaning above and could be funded from either Project #183 or Project #164. PROJECT #186 - SEWER LATERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM Mr. Fauth referred to the spreadsheet in the packet for an update of the program. Out of 161 cases from FY08 /09, he noted 27 (17 %) had private property trees identified in root cutting and 13, or 8% of homeowners had issues with City trees. Staff made the decision to give residents 30 days to claim their CCTV DVD's or VHS tapes before they are destroyed. Mr. Fauth summarized the specific eligibility requirements for reimbursement in the program. Director Ooten suggested making this detailed information available on the website. PROJECT #187 - DISTRICT YARD UPDATE - PRE - CONSTRUCTION MEETING 7 -29 -09 Mr. Fauth stated the contract is currently stalled in Seattle. He is unclear about the hesitation to begin construction; however, the delayed start is cause for concern. Mr. Fauth will contact Joe Martino, Vice President after the meeting. Director Ferryman asked if the contract states a penalty against a delayed completion. Mr. Fauth answered yes. Director Ferryman strongly suggested we stay on top of this company and document everything. Mr. Fauth agreed and will maintain a detailed project folder. Director Ooten requested an update. OTHER Mr. Joe Limon had a question regarding the Sewer Lateral Program. A resident did not want to pay to CCTV the line again following repairs. Mr. Dulake approved this specific situation and stressed the importance of getting three estimates to the homeowners. Mr. McIntyre authorized payment for a post CCTV as a courtesy to a resident to close out reimbursement. Staff is concerned about the number of dishonest plumbers who may be overcharging Costa Mesa residents. SSC MEETING SCHEDULE The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, October 21, 2009 at 10:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT Director Monahan adjourned the meeting at 12:02 p.m. • is z COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING ,a tta7 _ °:"��'-��` ►1 mil'_ SEPTEMBER 16, 2009 a PAGE 7