Minutes - Recycling - 2008-07-14COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF RECYCLING COMMITTEE MEETING July 14, 2008 The Costa Mesa Sanitary District Recycling Committee met at 12:00 p.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Bob Ooten, Gary Monahan Staff Present: Rob Hamers, Tom Fauth, Joan Revak, Sherry Kallab, Denise Gilbert, Janel Jackson Guests Present: Melanie Eustice and Mike Balliet, City of Costa Mesa Director Ooten called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. 0 I. Recycling Committee Goals The Committee reviewed the Recycling Committee goals. II. Guest Attendees Melanie Eustice & Mike Balliet of the City of Costa Mesa were present at the meeting. Mr. Balliet gave an overview of AB 939 and the process in establishing the waste diversion rate for the City of Costa Mesa and the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. The District is included with the permitted haulers in Costa Mesa and the information is provided to the State each year. The permitted haulers report from 48 % -52% diversion of the waste they collect but the City also factors in in -house recycling by many businesses in the City and the credit received from the County for the use of alternate daily cover at the landfills resulting in an overall City diversion rate of above 60 %. The City is also considering "Zero Waste" and the incremental steps to achieve this goal. Ms. Eustice suggested the goals of AB939 have been met and a new study and new objectives need to be established in order to reach "Zero Waste." It was recommended the City and District continue working together on Zero Waste. Mr. Fauth also presented a chart showing Annual Disposal Tonnage Diversion for Orange County as compiled from information from the California Integrated Waste Management Department. Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. gov �Sp�o III. Food Recycling Costa Mesa Sanitary District Minutes of Recycling Committee Meeting July 14, 2008 Page 2 Ms. Jackson presented a report she prepared on food recycling, in collaboration with Ms. Kallab and Ms. Gilbert. The challenge is educating residents and food establishments on reducing food being discarded into the waste stream. Options for disposing of food waste include: Donating non - perishable and unspoiled food to local food banks, soup kitchens and shelters; animal feed; rendering liquid fats and solid meat products by converting into animal food, cosmetics, soap and other products; composting and vermicomposting. Residents need to be educated and encouraged to buy in bulk, and to avoid disposables and single servings. IV. Disposal of Residential Grease in CMSD Trash Collection Program Ms. Jackson presented a report on disposal of residential grease. Under the Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR), sewer agencies are required to prevent grease from entering the sewer system. Information on how other cities and agencies are dealing with the issue was presented. The CMSD currently encourages residents to pour grease in jars /containers with lids and dispose of in the trash. According the CR &R, grease will contaminate recyclables, cause problems with their equipment and on the sorting lines. No data exists on whether residents are currently placing their grease in the solid waste stream. The Orange County Sanitation District developed a successful multi - family FOG program where grease is poured into heat - resistant plastic bags and mixed with coffee grounds, paper towels or kitty litter and placed in the trash. Until CR &R and the District investigate disposal of grease and the effect, if any, on CR &R, the CMSD will continue to advise residents to drop off grease at a County HHW facility in Huntington Beach or Irvine. Staff will request Board direction on this issue. V. IWMD Sub - Regional Meetings and Grant Program A. COMPOSTING SEMINAR EVENT TO BE HOSTED BY THE CITY OF COSTA MESA AND THE CMSD Mr. Fauth reported the earth machines were delivered and each CMSD Director was provided with a machine. Mr. Hamers reported, at the • City /Districts Liaison Committee meeting on July 11, 2008, he informed Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services. www.crosdcagov • U • �QPO8A76��� Costa Mesa Sanitary District Minutes of Recycling Committee Meeting July 14, 2008 Page 3 attendees of the earth machines and offered them to Directors from Mesa Consolidated Water District and the City Council to better learn about and understand composting. The earth machines were purchased with a portion of the grant funds provided to the City and the District by the IWMD. B. STATUS OF COLLECTION OF BATTERIES AND CFLs AT ORANGE COAST COLLEGE RECYCLING CENTER Mr. Fauth reported residents may now drop off batteries and CFLs at the Orange Coast College Recycling Center. Mr. Fauth also mentioned the Home Depot store on Harbor Blvd. is now accepting CFLs and tubes. VI. Large Item Collection Ms. Revak presented a report on the annual Large Item Collection program with an update on the program as of July 5, 2008. 130.60 tons were landfilled at a total cost of $2,873.20; recyclable white goods collected during this period totaled 16.66 tons, for a credit of $3,332.00 ($200 /ton) amounting to a net credit to -date of $458.80. The popular program will conclude on August 22, 2008. VI. Report on Other Recycling Programs Ms. Gilbert reported receiving an inquiry from "Share Ourselves" Free Clinic showing interest in participating in the District's Sharps program. Ms. Kallab reported the 2008 -09 budget was increased to include additional pharmacies in the program. Staff will provide an update next month. VII. Public Comments There was no public present at the meeting. Director Ooten adjourned the meeting at 1:25 p.m. Secretary; Protecting our conurtunity's health by providing si www.crosdcagov