Minutes - Sewer System - 2008-01-16• c: • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 16, 2008 CALL TO ORDER Board members of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in Committee session on January 16, 2008, at 10:30 a.m. at 628 W. 19th Street, Costa Mesa. Director Ooten called the meeting to order at 10:30 a.m. DIRECTORS PRESENT: Jim Ferryman ; Gary Monahan; Bob Ooten; Art Perry; DIRECTORS ABSENT: None; STAFF PRESENT: Robin B. Hamers, Manager /District Engineer; Thomas Fauth, Assistant Manager; Karl Dulake, Maintenance Supervisor; Joan Revak, Board Secretary/District Clerk /Program Manager; Paul Guzman, Inspector; Debbie Bjornson, Permit Processing Specialist; OTHERS PRESENT: None MONTHLY SPILL STATISTICS Mr. Fauth presented the overall SSO statistics for 2008 which consisted of one spill — from a private pump station failure at 151 Kalmus Dr in the Copper Tree Business Park causing a loss of 1600 gallons of raw sewage to the environment — grease caused zero SSOs, tree roots caused zero SSOs and Other issues such as debris blockage and a pump station failure caused one SSO. Mr. Fauth reported the year -to -date total is 0 gallons lost from the public sewer system to the environment. Data continued to show zero SSOs have occurred in areas National Plant Services, Inc. (NPSI), has cleaned District main lines. Telemetry continues to perform satisfactorily. COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING Z; JANUARY 16, 2008 ° PAGE 2 U PROJECT #168 IRVINE PUMPING STATION RELOCATION - UPDATE ON CONSTRUCTION Mr. Hamers and Mr Guzman updated the committee on the pumping station construction noting that upon completion of the District's construction, the County of Orange will be widening Irvine Avenue from Bristol Street to University Drive. The 21 inch gravity line into the station is 75% complete and the force main is expected to be completed at the end of February 2008. Rain caused a 2 -3 week delay. The Vadnais Corp shoring method caused the parking lot asphalt to fail and it has been coned off for parking. The pump vault bottom well structure is in place but the top section is out of position and Vadnais Corp is to correct the problem if possible. Groundwater is impeding progress as well. Estimated Completion Date (ECD) is the beginning of March 2008. DAMAGE TO CMSD EQUIPMENT FROM RECENT FIRES Mr. Fauth and Mr Dulake reported the Southern California Santiago fires caused a 100% loss of the equipment stored at the JIMNI SYSTEMS site in Irvine. Staff compiled a first - draft equipment schedule and value to submit to the District's insurance carrier, SDRMA, and will refine the list to include rebuilt and date acquired information where possible. SEWER LATERAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAM The application notes "CMSD will contribute up to 50% of the residents' costs in four areas, up to a maximum of $1,800 per parcel ". The purpose is to encourage residents to maintain (clean and CCTV) their laterals on a regular basis to achieve zero SSOs. The Lateral Assistance program remains in the 5 -Year Capital Improvement Program for FY 2007 -08 Through FY 2011 -12 at a level $100,000 per FY. Mr. Hamers expressed his appreciation to the Board for establishing such a successful program that reduces private property sewer spills. Ms. Jackson distributed the latest spreadsheet showing 43 property owners are participating in the program of which 17 are completed. The Committee reviewed the photographs documenting the reconstruction of the CMSD HQ lateral line which Mr Fauth will present to the Chamber of Commerce at the February 21, 2008 breakfast meting. Mr Fauth will keep the Committee apprised of efforts to recover repair costs from SCE for the damage to the lateral line in the ROW from the SCE ventilation vault. f�S�SAiit�Qp \\ \�$?08ATky! • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 16, 2008 PAGE 3 POTENTIAL TRANSFER OF SEWER LINES FROM OCSD TO CMSD Staff noted there are six recommended sewer line transfers from OCSD to CMSD. Before acceptance, OCSD would need to clean and CCTV the lines and rehabilitate any deficiencies. Mr. Hamers reviewed Permit Processing Specialist Debbie Bjornson's spreadsheet of the potential yearly sewer charges applicable to the District should the District accept ownership of the OCSD lines inside the District that act more as local lines rather than as trunk sewers. The yearly CMSD revenue is estimated to be approximately $163,000. CMSD PROJECT #101 - WESTSIDE PUMP STATION ABANDONMENT Mr. Harriers reported Director Ferryman and Director Ooten confirmed OCSD's participation in the project. OCSD may be able to begin construction of the regional facility as early as 2010. The two options OCSD costed are as follows: • 1. Option 1: $9.0 M for a _gravity flow system, or 2. Option 2: $6.6 M to rebuild the City of Newport Beach Pump Station and the force main. PROJECT #175 OCSD GRANT - TELEVISING CMSD SEWER LINES A grant amendment states the CMSD will have the televising completed by July 2009. Director Ooten suggested the grant could be expanded to include repairs as has been the case with Midway Cities Sanitary District. During the televising and inspection, three illegal connections were identified at Acapulco Restaurant, Grand Prix and Taco Mesa. During the recent rain period, Staff enabled the City of Costa Mesa to borrow an older portable pump to assist in drainage. The City serviced the pump with a new starter and battery in appreciation and in preparation for service. DISTRICT YARD - CLOSE OF ESCROW DECEMBER 20, 2007 CMSD entered a 90 -day escrow for the two vacant parcels at 174 West Wilson Street on August 31, 2007 for a total cash purchase price of $900,000.00 including a $75,000.00 deposit into escrow. The site is envisioned as having a 5,166 SF building on an 18,200 SF lot. The District closed escrow on December 19, 2007 to enable seller to follow through with a tax exchange. The District is striving for a "Gold" standard green facility, the first in Costa Mesa. 0 • 0 • COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SEWER SYSTEM COMMITTEE MEETING JANUARY 16, 2008 PAGE 4 °spuaKi�� LOW FLUSH TOILETS Director Ooten has been researching local home improvement stores to ascertain the types and efficiencies of the commodes available'to the public. Director Ooten also researched the subject of high efficiency commodes through WEFTEC and other organizations. SEWER SYSTEM SUB - COMMITTEE TOPICS The Committee recommended Staff review and update the FOG ordinances as necessary and imposed re- inspection charges to FSEs. Mr Fauth will provide an updated FSE listing to Merrill Seiler. NEXT MEETING The next meeting is scheduled for February 13, 2008 at 10:30 a.m. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. ADJOURNMENT Director Ooten adjourned the meeting at 11:30 a.m. „SECRETARY