Minutes - Recycling - 2008-01-22I<
January 22, 2008
The Costa Mesa Sanitary District Recycling Committee met at 12:00 p.m. at 628 W. 19th
Street, Costa Mesa.
Directors Present: Bob Ooten, Art Perry
Staff Present: Rob Harriers, Tom Fauth, Joan Revak, Denise Gilbert,
Janel Jackson
Director Ooten called the meeting to order at 12:10 p.m.
0 1. Recycling Committee Goals
Director Ooten reviewed the Recycling Committee goals and noted the requested
revisions of combining goals III and XI made by Staff. Director Ooten reported the
plastics recycling presentation with the Campfire Girls and Boys was held on December
12, 2007.
II. School Telephone Book Recycling Contest — November 14, 2007 to
December 21, 2007
Ms. Revak presented the final report on the 2007 School Telephone Book Recycling
Program. The program concluded on December 21, 2007 with a total of 8,752 books
(15.32 tons) collected. This compares with 10,334 books (20.67 tons) collected in the
2006 Program. As directed by the Board of Directors, a grand prize will be awarded to
one school in each category, elementary, middle and high school, collecting the greatest
number of pounds per student. The winners in these three categories are Kline
Elementary, Charles TeWinkle (7th and 8th) and Monte Vista High School, respectively.
Staff recommends the Board award a second grand prize award in the amount of
$400.00 to Kline School and St. Joachim Elementary School based on achieving over
10 lbs. of books per student. Additionally, Staff will recommend a special effort award in
the amount of $200 be given to schools collecting over 1.5 lbs. per student.
Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services.
Costa Mesa Sanitary District
Minutes of Recycling Committee Meeting
January 22, 2008
Page 2
Ms. Revak provided several charts including a history of the District's School Telephone
Book Program since its inception.
Upon approval of the Board of Directors, awards totaling $13,743.00 will be distributed to
the schools.
111. 2007 Christmas Tree Recycling Program
Ms. Revak presented a report on the Christmas Tree Recycling program for 2007.
Tonnage for the year 2007 was 68.30 and was calculated from an actual tree count by
CR &R, assuming 26 Ibs /tree. A historical perspective on the collection of Christmas
trees from 1997 through 2007 was provided.
IV. Costa Mesa High School Life Science Academy
Staff will meet with the Costa Mesa High School Life Science Academy on January 31,
2008 to discuss expanding their recycling programs with assistance from the District.
The academy involves 85 students and a CMHS teacher.
V. IWMD Sub - Regional Meetings and Grant Program
Assistant Manager Tom Fauth met with City of Costa Mesa Management Analyst Donna
Theriault to determine a cooperative joint program between the City and District that best
utilizes the $20,000 each agency will receive. The District and the City plan a
cooperative program addressing the recycling needs of the residents within the District
borders. The proposed program will provide an avenue for residents to properly recycle
difficult household hazardous wastes including fluorescent tubes, CFLs, incandescent
bulbs and household batteries. The pilot compost bin program will help reduce the
volume and tonnage of collected green waste from residential units and will increase
public outreach education to the public on recycling benefits and methods.
A Resolution of the Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District establishing a
Regional Recycling and Waste Diversion Grant Program will be presented to the Board
of Directors for approval at their regular meeting on January 24, 2008
VI. Chemical Clean -Out Program at K -12 Schools
Ms. Jackson reported on a Schools Chemical Cleanout Campaign and provided
information on the program. The goals of the Campaign are to remove inappropriate,
outdated, unknown and unnecessary chemicals from schools; to prevent future chemical
mismanagement in schools through training, curriculum and policy change and long -term
management solutions; and to raise awareness of chemical issues in schools and
promote sustainable solutions.
Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection senvices.
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Costa Mesa Sanitary District
Minutes of Recycling Committee Meeting
January 22, 2008
Page 3
President Perry reported on how Costa Mesa high schools deal with hazardous waste
materials. At Estancia High School all the chemicals are stored in a custodial room and
twice a year chemicals are picked up and taken to the Newport -Mesa Consolidated
School District. President Perry reported the School District is doing a good job on
handling chemical cleanout. Director Ooten suggested checking with grade schools on
how they handle hazardous waste.
VI. Update on Sharps Program Expansion to CVS Pharmacy
Ms. Gilbert provided a listing of pharmacies located in Costa Mesa highlighting the
pharmacies participating in the CMSD Sharps program. To provide a balance of Sharps -
participating pharmacies, it was suggested adding pharmacies on the east side of the
District. The FY -07/08 budget for the Sharps program is $10,000.
VII. Report on other CMSD Recycling Programs
Staff presented a PennySaver ad in the South West Costa Mesa area. The Orange
E Waste at 536 North Cypress Street in Orange advertises free pick up of TVs, Monitors
and computers.
VIII. Public Comments
No members of the public were in attendance.
Director Ooten adjourned the meeting at 1:00 p.m.
Protecting our community's health by providing solid waste and sewer collection services.