Minutes - Board - 2003-07-14�S,,SANIT�q� n V H • RPORAiE�\ COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT MINUTES OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS SPECIAL MEETING JULY 14, 2003 The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District attended a duly noticed Special Meeting on July 14, 2003 at 11:00 a.m., in Conference Room 1A at the Civic Center, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa. Directors Present: Arlene Schafer, Greg Woodside, Arthur Perry, James Ferryman, Dan Worthington Staff Present: Robin Hamers, Manager /Engineer; Tom Fauth, Assistant Manager; Joan Revak, Clerk of the District; Alan Burns, District Counsel; Marc Puckett, District Treasurer; Bobby Young, Accountant • Others Present: John Shaffer, Environmental Engineering & Contracting, Inc. Jill Hamers, Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc. I. Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) A. Review of Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) Mr. Hamers presented a review of the Waste Discharge Requirements (WDR) beginning with the Orange County Grand Jury Report dated April 19, 2001, that identified grease as the number one cause of sewer spills. The sewer spills enter storm drains and cause ocean water pollution. In response to the performance of the central and northern Orange County sewer systems, the Santa Ana Region of the State Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) adopted Order No. R8- 2002 -0014 that mandates improved sewer system performance and places a prohibition on sewer spills. Based on the Order, the affected sewer agencies retained Environmental Engineering & Contracting, Inc (EEC) to prepare a nationwide grease control study. Phase I of the study is complete and the first step recommended in the study is a characterization study of the food service establishments (FSEs) and an analysis of the sewer lines to ascertain why grease is causing sewer system • backups and "hot spots" (sewer lines that have to be cleaned frequently due to protecting our community's heaffh 6y providing sofvd waste and sewer colfection services. costamesasanitaryd strict. org Costa Mesa Sanitary District Page 2 Minutes of Special Meeting Held July 14, 2003 • the buildup of grease). The Phase I study also details various methods of controlling or eliminating grease in sewer systems. B. Grease Control Policy The purpose of reviewing the grease control policy is to provide direction to Mr. Burns to allow him to draft revisions to the existing CMSD grease control ordinance and for him to prepare a countywide model ordinance as part of his work on the WDR legal committee. Mr. Hamers presented three examples of grease control policies for the Board to consider. The first policy is a policy where new FSEs are required to install grease interceptors but existing FSEs will not have to install grease interceptors. The second policy is a policy where new FSEs are required to install interceptors, existing FSEs identified as causing grease related sewer problems must install interceptors immediately, and the remaining FSEs must install interceptors within two years unless they can demonstrate that they have implemented other effective grease control measures such as installing grease traps, using biological additives, implementing kitchen best management practices (BMPs), etc., and that their discharges are not causing grease related sewer line problems. The third policy considered is a policy where all FSEs must install interceptors • immediately. After discussion, motion made by Director Perry seconded by Director Woodside, and carried 5 -0 to adopt the second policy as stated above in order for Mr. Burns to begin drafting the revisions to the CMSD ordinance and for preparation of a countywide model ordinance. • Mr. Hamers reviewed Project #172 as included in the 2003 -2004 Capital Improvement Program including the main component of a fats, oils, and grease (FOG) characterization study as the first step in improving sewer system performance and meeting the requirements of the RWQCB WDR order. The project budget also includes sewer line televising (CCTV) to validate the findings of the characterization study. D. FOG Characterization Mr. Hamers reviewed the proposal from EEC to perform a FOG Characterization Study for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District. Mr. Hamers also presented five sole source findings supporting the award of a consultant agreement to EEC. Ovtecting our community s health 6y Ong soRd waste and sewer co&rtion services, costamesasanitarydutrict. org • Costa Mesa Sanitary District Page 3 Minutes of Special Meeting Held July 14, 2003 After discussion, motion made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Perry and carried 5 -0 adopting the five sole source findings as presented and awarding Environmental Engineering & Contracting, Inc., a consultant agreement for a FOG Characterization Study for the Costa Mesa Sanitary District in accordance with the EEC proposal dated July 11, 2003, in the amount of $120,000 for the FOG Characterization Study plus sewer line televising (CCTV) on a time and material basis not to exceed $30,000 with Staff to prepare the standard CMSD professional services agreement for signature by EEC and the District. E. FOG Characterization Support A proposal dated July 12, 2003 was presented for Robin B. Harriers & Associates, Inc., to provide engineering and management support and liaison between EEC and the District. After discussion, motion made by Director Ferryman, seconded by Director Perry, and carried 5 -0 for Robin B. Hamers & Associates, Inc., to provide management and engineering support as outlined in proposal dated July 12, 2003, at the standard hourly rate of $70 per hour not to exceed $18,000 in accordance with the CMSD Project #172 budget. • II. Conference with District Counsel — Anticipated Litigation Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9 (1 Case) The meeting adjourned to Closed Session at 12:15 p.m. No action was taken at the Closed Session. The meeting reconvened in Open Session at 1:05 p.m. III. Public Comments There were no public comments. IV. Adjournment The Special Meeting adjourned at 1:07 p.m • Secretary Protecting Dui iomraunity's health 6y pww&ng sofadwaste andsewer collection services. caaamesasamtarydi st rict. org