Minutes - Board - 1999-01-21is
Minutes of Board of Directors Special Meeting held January 21, 1999
The Board of Directors of the Costa Mesa Sanitary District met in special session on
January 21, 1999, at 12:00 p. m., in the Harper Room at the Neighborhood Community
Center, 1845 Park Avenue, Costa Mesa, California.
Directors Present: Art Perry, Arlene Schafer, Greg Woodside, James Ferryman,
Dan Worthington
Staff Present: Robin Hamers, Manager /Engineer, Lois Thompson, Assistant
Manager, Joan Revak, Clerk of the District; Dawn Schmeisser,
Assessment Specialist
Others Present Costa Mesa Disposal:
CR Transfer.
UCI Intern:
Raul Rangel, Ray Rangel
Paul Relis, David Ronnenberg,
Terry Schneider
Lary Tamayo
President Perry called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m.
Mr. Harriers presented an overview of the District's responsibilities under AB 939. The District
has a separate agreement with the City relative to AB 939. The District handles the residential
program apart from the City trash haulers who fall under the City permit system. Special Districts
are not mentioned in AB 939 and District staff provides our statistics to City staff who compile for
the Costa Mesa year -end report.
A study session was held January 11, 1999 by the Costa Mesa City Council on trash hauler
permit revocation, attended by Directors Perry and Ferryman and Assistant Manager, Ms.
Thompson. The topic of the City reaching 50% diversion rate by 2000 was discussed. The City
proposed lengthening the termination period of trash haulers so there would be no interruption in
service to residents. At the Study Session, haulers testified they did not think they would be able
to make 50% by year 2000. The haulers are saying they will have trouble making 50 %, and the
law allows for haulers to make a good faith effort and, therefore, don't have to meet 50 %. Other
haulers suggest the City should negotiate a contract with a transfer station on behalf of all the
haulers. The Council questioned the District's revocation procedure with�Costa'Mesa Disposal
and was informed the District's revocation procedure is more stdngent;.than;•the.'existing or
proposed City Ordinance. =• ` .`
January 21. 1999
Director Ferryman pointed out there are five or six cities that have achieved 50% so we .
know it is possible.
In response, Mr. Paul Relis of CR Transfer submitted the following:
Contractor Diversion Rate for July 98 - June 99 37.50%
Actual Diversion Rate for July 98 - December 98 35.67%
Shortfall 01.83%
Actual Diversion Rate January 99 - June 99
to achieve contracted diversion rate: 39.33%
Methods to achieve the required diversion rate:
1. Additional manual sorting of paper (variable)
2. AIRVAC sorting of paper
3. Advanced processing of green waste, food waste and grit
Status of Diversion Methods:
1. Manual sorting (currently available)
2. AIRVAC (installed November 1998) •
3. Advance Processing Equipment to be delivered on January 27, 1999 and
operational on or before May 1, 1999
CR Transfer does not foresee any problem in reaching 39.33% on average for the
remainder of the year and 50% thereafter.
Mr. Raul Rangel expressed opinion that at this point he does not see need for an
additional can, however, Costa Mesa Disposal could be up and running in 90 days with
extra container if the Board should decide to implement that type of program.
A Special Meeting will be scheduled for the middle of May to reassess the situation.
At 1:12 p.m. President Perry adjourned the meeting.